School Clubs
We offer various after school clubs, such as Art, Science and various sporting activities on a termly basis. These are run by local organisations on our premises and are open to pupils in Years 1 and above.
Teachers run a netball club and choir club after school which are both popular. Mr Thompson and Mrs Dennis also take a group of children offsite with Running club once a week at lunchtime. KS2 children are able to join these clubs.
We communicate with parents at the start of each term with details of the club including cost, payment details and timings. This term we have:
Monday - Bristol Sport club (this term is Dodgeball
Tuesday - FunScience - Years 1,2, 5 & 6
Wednesday - Years 1 & 2
Friday - Bristol Sport club (this term is Hockey)
Please contact the office if your child is interested in joining any of these extra curricular clubs.
We also provide a Quiet Club once a week and a Bible Club once a month for any child who wishes to join in. We communicate this within the classes and children can just turn up after eating their lunch.
The brilliant NAP Team (Northleaze After School Play Club) also provide wraparound care in the mornings before and afternoons after school. Please see their page on our website for full details