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Northleaze Nursery

We are very excited to now be offering Nursery provision for 3 and 4 year olds here at Northleaze. Our Nursery can provide four days a week (8 sessions), Monday to Thursday from 8.50 – 3.15pm, with wrap around care available. 

Please find information about our Nursery, sessions and attendance, lunches, funding, toilet training and settling in sessions on this page. You'll find our Nursery registration form at the bottom of the page. You can also see photos of our learning and read our Early Years Intent Summary to give you a feel for what we do.

Sessions and attendance

Children must be 3 years old to join our Nursery, so many children will be with us for one whole academic year before they start primary school.  We do, however, consider applications for children to start our Nursery the term after they turn 3, for example, if your child turns 3 between September and December, they could join the Nursery the following January, if there is space.

A minimum of six sessions must be booked e.g. three full days or three mornings plus three afternoons.  These split sessions don’t necessarily need to be on the same day, however the same pattern of days would apply for the whole of the year when you register for a place. Regular attendance on the agreed days is required to maintain a place in the nursery class.  If your circumstances change and you wish your child to stop attending Nursery, we require one term’s notice in advance.

Wraparound care

We are also able to offer ‘wraparound care’ for both before and after core school hours. Our onsite breakfast and after school care provider, ‘Northleaze After School Play Club’ (NAP), run these chargeable sessions and hours run from 7.45am – 8.45am and 3.25pm – 6.00pm each day.

All bookings are made and paid for through their own booking system. Full details can be found on the NAP page on our website.


Children can either bring a packed lunch or book a school meal through our catering provider Aspens. Nursery children eat lunch just before midday, in the main school hall, along with the children in our Reception class. They then spend the rest of lunchtime in their own play area, supervised by Nursery staff. School lunches cost £2.45 and are charged through the Aspens online ordering system.

More information about how to set up an account to book and pay online will be sent before your child is due to start.  The same criteria for determining whether a nursery aged child is entitled to free school meals applies as for all other children. You can read more about our school meals here.

Toilet training

We ideally like all children attending our Nursery to be toilet trained by the time they start with us. We do however appreciate that children develop at different stages and this may not be possible for all children. Whilst we won’t refuse admission to start at Nursery if your child is not fully toilet trained, we would ask that parents/carers work with our Nursery team to help implement a plan to ensure your child is toilet trained as soon as possible. We would discuss this at the settling-in sessions that take place at the end of the term before they join us. (Please see below for more details of these sessions.)


At the moment, there is provision for all 3 and 4 year olds in the UK to have 'free nursery places'. A child becomes eligible for this funding from the term after they turn 3. This means some children will receive funding for one year (or 3 terms) and others for 5 terms, depending on when their birthday falls within the year. 

For more information on funding, please visit the website below where eligibility can also be checked

The cost for unfunded hours is currently £5.50 per hour. From September 2024, the cost for unfunded hours will be £6 per hour.

Settling-in sessions

At the end of the school term before your child starts with us, we will invite them to attend a few settling-in sessions. These sessions are a great way for us to meet your child ahead of their start in Nursery and for them to start becoming familiar with our setting. We keep these sessions quite short and informal and they are a good opportunity for parents to ask any questions, or to discuss any issues such as toilet training.

For children starting in September 2024, we will hold two sessions in July 2024, ahead of the summer holidays.

Nursery tours

We would love to meet you if you are interested in your child attending Northleaze Nursery.  If you would like to visit, please email  Please include your child's name and tell us how many people will be attending (you are welcome to bring your child with you).

Please use the registration form below to apply for a place at Northleaze Nursery.

Please be aware that attending Northleaze Nursery does not guarantee admission or give any priority for a place at Northleaze Primary School when your child turns 4 years old. All admissions for Northleaze are managed by North Somerset Admissions and you will need to apply for a place between October 2022 – January 2023 for your child starting school in September 2023.

You can read more about applying for primary school and the admissions criteria on the Admissions page of our website.

Photos of us learning!